Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Manipulated Media

Ezili Danto

In the reality of night
your strength will set me right.
Fierce and independent mother,
protective eyes set tight for a practical lover.
Maternal spirit and friend,
Tough love!
Bringing self reliance
true means to an end.
Humble but full of fire for all,
whose hard work will show the call.
No matter how harsh or unjust
the knife will never rust.
Independent I sing,
Independence she brings.

Coming out of a relationship, especially an ugly one, and having my whole spiritual out look on life turned practically upside down, has really left me in a roller coaster state of emotions. However, every time I come down its not quite as far and every time I go up, I go higher. Although I know this will never fully end I do feel it is starting to level out. Thank goodness, its quite exhausting to exist in that place. For the first time in my life I've dedicated my self to true independence and self reliance. Unfortunately for me this is something that doesn't come very naturally, especially right after a long relationship/breakup. No matter how much I fall into that depressed, I need someone state, I fight that much harder for strength and discipline. Knowing thyself for me takes a lot of just being dedicated to it. A disciplined spiritual practice, meditating and to quote something I read, "Inflaming yourself in prayer" Spending time with the spirits has made it easier for me to not need humans so much. I am not saying that everyone should leave the real world and just hang out with the spirits all day, people are just as good a self reflection tool, but at least for me this part of my journey is telling me to find that security in myself and the time I spend alone, (or not so alone.) My dedication to my spirit friends flows over, into my dedication to myself, which then flows over into getting what I want, And what the universe wants for me. Strength, self reliance, confidence, sincerity and the ability to follow my true will.

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